School Searches

We are pleased to have partnered with I-ACT, to provide our canine detection services. I-ACT is a non-profit that has stood out as an organization committed to improving school safety, by empowering people to ACT in the face of danger.

How our program works is that we provide random, unannounced visits to your school. We work closely with each school and district to determine the appropriate number of visits to provide the greatest benefit. From the smallest rural school to the largest school districts in the state, our teams are capable of providing what you need.

At each school, a designated school official will escort our canine teams to observe the inspection activities. We normally inspect lockers, common areas, vehicles, vacated classrooms, the perimeter of the school property, and stadiums.

We will also help with developing communication emails, newsletters, and flyers that will be sent to students, parents, and the community that your school has initiated a proactive position regarding the presence of prohibited items.

Lastly, our canine teams are not acting on the behalf of law enforcement nor are they required to report to law enforcement of their findings unless directed by the school official. We want your school to have control in how each situation is handled.